select a.* from shop_goods a left join shop_goods_type t on (a.index_no=t.gs_id) left outer join shop_category b on a.ca_id = b.catecode where t.mb_id = 'ssline' and a.shop_state = 0 and a.islist = 1 and a.isopen = 1 and find_in_set('ssline', a.use_hide) = 0 and find_in_set('ssline', b.catehide) = 0 and t.it_type2 = '1' order by gp.score desc , gp.weight desc ,(case when price_msg = '1' then '1' else '' end) asc,(case when box_gubun = '1' or odr_min > 1 then '1' else '' end) asc,a.index_no desc limit 0, 70

1054 : Unknown column 'gp.score' in 'order clause'

error file : /shop/listtype.php